05-27-2003, 02:21 PM
Yeah I know Zoner. They said something like 12 piliots have died since the CF-18's came into the Air Force. Which is a lot. If the government put some money into them then I bet half of those cases wouldn't ahve happened. But there are always accidents. I'm no expert either, but i'd rather fly in a F/A-18 Hornet than a Seaking.
And Innoxx, yeah I agree. The MND made an announcement at the beginning of the month that the Forces would not hire thousands more troops, but rather equip the existing ones. He said theres no need for a larger military, just one that is better equipped. But man, look at the situation now. We need more guys. The world is a crazy place. Someone should ahev stepped up for the issues within the Congo. Its all political bullshit. Our excuse always is that we don't have the men to do it because we're sending 1RCR to Afghanistan in August. We need guys to be ready at all times for whatever happens. Its total BS. Whenever the govt gets in a tight spot, they just say we don't ahev the resorces to do it.
Now all the Leo's are in Waneright, the Iriquos class destroyers are supposed to be disbanded as well. Its getting out of hand. The US isn't going to protect us anymore...especially with GWB as president. And Paul Martin isn't going to change much. He was the dude in Chretiens cabinet who made so many cuts to the CF.
I don't understand the governments position. We've seen in the last 5 years how countries need capeable militaries. We do not have this. Our CF-18 don't have any bombs and have outdated systems and cannot communicate with US, British or Aussie fighters. Our destroyers and Frigates have no helicopters and are running with an average of 30 less men than their spposed to haev on each ship, Our army has no tanks or artillery, and were seriously short men.