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Default 05-27-2003, 08:56 PM

I remember trying out HL on my old, old, old, computer with prodigy dial-up, I got so pissed off that the crabheads were moving back and forth and I couldn't hear them. After that, I played Diablo , and Starcraft. I remember getting kicked off prodigy so damn much, it got me so pissed off. I'd finally log in, get into a game with my friend, be moving around for a while, wondering why my text won't show up, 5 minutes later, "Connection failed" I threw down my headphones and let out a loud "FUCK!" my dad came down shortly after, I thought I was busted, but he said "I heard what you said, and I don't blame you!" I was like 9 or something, if he told me not to cuss he would be a big ass hypocrite.

One other memorable moment was at a cyber cafe, I was playing DoD for the first time, and I kept killing this guy right next to me, he got so flustered. When I got home, I noticed he was still on the server, so I played on there, and killed him some more, and he finally got off. Boy was that guy ticked, he was probably like 35 or something.
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