01-18-2002, 09:22 AM
Ha ha!
I re-read that reply of mine - priceless. I was pissed drunk at the time I wrote that, but I stand by what I said.
No one was giving me a hard time, and I was only cursing at my bro for being retarded by hiding the fact that he downloaded the game himself. But I will agree with him with regards to your sad, empty-ass threat.
Oh, and before you start spouting some garbage and acting all high and mighty, Mr. I Don't Infringe On Copyright Laws - I expect you to delete all your mp3s and any other garbage you've downloaded off the 'net right away.
Just because you like a particular game, or for that matter, company, doesn't give you the right to be selectively ethical. Getting pissed off because people are downloading a game you're a big fan of, but not giving a shit about people - or yourself - downloading something else because you're not interested in it is ridiculous.
Your views on ethics are welcome, even if I don't agree with them, but don't make infantile comments [I know, I see the irony too].
Shut up and play the game.
P.S. "Your" is posessive, "You're" is a contraction of "You are," which was the word you were looking for, but now I'm just being pedantic...
[This message has been edited by First Man Down (edited January 18, 2002).]