Thread: No more medals.
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Default 01-18-2002, 05:11 AM

OK, I apologise for going off like that. I'd had a crap week and when I read that I just lost it. I guess you were just my punching bag and it was wrong of me to say what I said.

But im not trying to go high and mighty on you guys, but how can you defend yourself by saying there is nothing wrong with piracy? OK so you believe because EA (and don't get me wrong, I have zero tolerance for EA) has a lot of money they deserve to have thier product stolen?

I just find it hard to fathom that you folks think piracy is ok and is a sound practice. Sure if you knew what you were doing was dodgey but did it anyway, I could understand that. But to think that it's good and correct to be able to do it, well thats just messed up.

I really do hope you guys buy the full version but don't give me crap if I think what your doing is wrong. Anyway this will be my last post on this subject, it's obvious that the percentage of people on this forum have decided that downloading pirated copies is ok.

You can go ahead and flame me some more if it makes you feel better but don't expect to change my mind on the subject. It was stupid of me to even possibly imagine that what I said would make any difference.


Lady Astor: "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."

Winston Churchill: "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."
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