05-28-2003, 06:40 AM
I think we need to set a couple of things straight; namely why abortion is an
action which I believe to be a matter of choice, and nothing else.
The main strength of the anti-abortionist crowd seems to be the idea that
'Life' has a specific value; something they use as often as possible in the
hopes of rallying more people to their cause, which seems to be removing
the freedom of choice from the hands of the free. My main gripe with their
so-called argument is this: who said Life was sacred ? Who says Life has a
specific value / quality making it so special that the mere idea of stopping
it's development is to be an unthinkable act, cruel to the eyes of even the
immoral and unethical among us ? The answer is no one: no person living
on this planet can tell you otherwise.
Religious fanatics and improperly educated / highly moral and ethical
people would like you think Life has an intrinsic quality to it, however
this is as far as it can go, until proof of a higher purpose to existence
is discovered and proven beyond doubt.
Let me test you: is incest wrong ? The correct answer is, of course, no.
Undoubtedly, many of you did not hesitate to blurt out YES, which is a
fallacious answer. If you need an elaboration on this topic, I will adress
it at a later time... but until then, chew on the abovementioned.