Originally Posted by Argon
Wow whatta topic. Personally I think its a women's right to choose and last I checkerd none of us who come on this forum are women, so its easy to through your opinion around.
I personally don't think an embryo or fetus is life, Until that kid comes out of the "playdoo fun factory of life" and breathes on his own he's just another parasite living off his mother.
How long did it take you to get your PhD? That's one helluva medical opinion you have there.
And the weight of a womans emotional "connetivety" to a child is thrown around ALL THE TIME. "Oh the woman forms an attachment...", "The woman doesn't want to part with it - ".
What about the Mans right to chose. Oh I forget, we're not sharing childbirth, we're just handing over sperm to be used and to not be used.
And I question the removal of the links Zoner. It's not "disturbing imagery just to be a prick", its relevant to the topic at hand. Hold on though, let me find some cartoon-abortion pics with pink and sunshine and a happy clone aborting a happy baby, so that noone thinks an abortion topic is anything BUT happy.