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Default 05-28-2003, 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by DarthAce
u know if some one is cheating by how much they talk shit .. ie "i am the best" or "i own ur ass" every time they kill some one eatthis: also some scores that are like 50 in a obj match that only goes 10 match u kind already guess the guys cheatin. swordfight: if u just keep ur eyes open u can spot a cheater easy. M16: o and that thing some one said about walkin on concreet makes no noice is wrong it makes nocie and ppl are really tuned to hearing other ppl even across a map bigzooka: fire2:
or maybe that guy scoring 50 is just beating ur fucking ass. thats one of the problems with kids these days "omg his score is so good he must be cheating"
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