05-28-2003, 05:46 PM
[quote:ff1a9]Correct. Ideally, we should all live by the golden rule but this isn't always a
possibility. For the correct functioning of society, however, we have made up
rules regarding the type of behavior most acceptable to as many people as
possible. Any more questions, Ed... or can I stick this dagger in your heart ?[/quote:ff1a9]
The reason your argument doesn't work, is because "life" in an aesthetic sense doesn't exist. Scientifically, we are all alive. Our hearts are beating, and our brains work. But beyond the physical, you and I are clueless to know whether or not this is truly "life". So in this regard we are all wrong and the idea cancels itself out. It can either be or not be, but none of us have that answer.
However, just like you say - soceity implements rules and standards that govern us on a base level; and so as humans as well, we assign value to LIFE, just like we assign value to ORDER.
And noctis, what I'm supposed to post a picture of myself and the-person-I-fuck to gain l337 status amongst the HTML-Savvy. Give me a break. Because I know you have a milk-jug for a head, and a girlfriend of questionalbe worth, does absolutely NOTHING to change my opinion of thee. Move along sirrah.