05-28-2003, 05:57 PM
Anyone who says abortion is murder should try becoming pregnant when they have no money, no job, no partner, no support and no way of giving the baby a proper life.
Then you can talk.
Abortion is a horrible thing.
Try asking my girlfriend. She had to go through one.
It's all very easy to sit here and get all judgemental about it and play the high moral horse but until you have to go through it you have no fucking idea.
She still beats herself up about it. It tears her up inside still today, despite the fact that she has met me and we are soon to have our own baby girl.
She hates herself for doing it but she had no other option.
She wanted so fucking much to have the baby. The father didn't want to know. All he said was "you have to have an abortion".
Her familly were shocked and she could not guarantee they could help her support the baby because her father had just recently gone bankrupt and lost their house.
She could never support the baby.
If she had gone ahead with it the baby would have had a horrible life and so would she.
She still wanted to have it, though. It can be all I can do sometimes to tell her that it was not her fault, that she did not kill that baby and she had no option whatsoever.
There is no way she could have had the baby and given it up for adoption.
Giving a baby up is not like handing over a toy, it's an impossibly hard thing to even contemplate let alone do.
I am not pro-abortion. Definitely not. If the mother can have any chance of offering the baby a normal life then I believe they should have it.
But, I will never judge someone who has no option. And some girls don't. It's a shame but it is the way of life.
The majority (what 99%) of this forum's users are male.
Very easy for you to condemn something that will likely never affect you directly, isn't it?
Murder, indeed... Bullshit.