Thread: Abortion.
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Default 05-28-2003, 06:06 PM

Ok here's my take on the whole "cant take care of the child" issue -

If your so responsible to make this decision now, where were you so and so days ago when you got knocked up in the first place. Where was your commitment to doing the right thing, that would have prevented this person from getting into this situation. Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it?

What abortion boils down to is a womans unwillingness to place themselves in a situation where they will have to be inconvenieced for 9 months physically and emotionally with a child. That's it. Theres no deep seeded womens right to choose, or this and that - all in all the majority of abortions are selfish acts committed by a society that has grown accustomed to being coddled.

As far as the men having no say in the thing - guess whos fault is that. Pro-Choicers writting out male involvement in the abortion process (again we're essentially just nameless sperm donors), yet the same Pro-Woman folks lamenting the absence of "father" in childrens lives. Just a case of having your cake and eat it too.

And no Ydiss not all of us are talking out of our asses. I had a gf who had an abortion, well before the first trimester was over. It was NOT smooth sailing through the emotional seas for someone who has "nothing to do with" this. Like it or not the male is INVOLVED here. It just pisses me off so much, the contradictory stances that women take in regards to abortion on father-involvement.

And yea the whole "rape birth" thing is incredibly old, and really pointless. In this day and age if a woman didn't get the morning after pill, etc - then there is a SERIOUS lax in local law-enforcement.
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