05-28-2003, 06:28 PM
Of course the initial act of getting pregnant is wrong, especially when you know you could not support a child. She never sits there and thinks "Oh, I had unprotected sex and had to have an abortion.. Oh well, not my fault."
What I was pointing out was that anyone who thinks having an abortion is a simple solution for girls (and when the father says "You must have an abortion, the pain suffered is all the girl's) is on drugs.
I actually did not read any of your replies as I skipped past page 2 to the end so I could reply, ED.
After seeing "abortion is murder" 3 or 4 times it angered me. Because those that said it obviously have no idea of what it is like to experience it.
As I said, she wanted that baby but no one was giving her any option. She would have suffered along through 9 months (hell, she's doing that right now, so it's nothing to do with "inconvenience") and she would have looked after that baby as best she could but what kind of life would she and her baby have had?
As it turns out, she aborted, hates herslef for it but now she is having a healthy baby girl with me.
She would cry most nights when we first got together.
For someone who lost their mother at 11 and had to have an abortion at 18, she's had it pretty shitty.
It was a horrible mistake that she conceived in the first place but that is not all her fault, it was shared with the wanker who fucked her in the first place as well.
And he didn't want anything to do with her or the baby.
Every single person and situation is different.
Her having a baby would have ruined the life of her struggling familly, it would have ruined her life and the baby would have suffered long and hard.
She knows full-well that she killed that potential baby.
But that's it... It's over. It will never happen again because she will have me to support her.
Branding her a murderer would help what?
Who is suffering because of what she did?
Her familly? The father? Me? The doctor?
The only poor person suffering because of it is her.
I would defend her and any other mother in such circumstances.
It's no good saying "ah but why didn't they think of that when they had unprotected sex?".
What ifs get you nowhere and we all make fucking mistakes.
No one is perfect. But the good people try to do what is best.
Those are the differences between a murderer and a girl who has to go through an abortion.
She was wrong for having unprotected sex without considering the consequences, she knows that. But she was not wrong for having the abortion. If only she knew that too.