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Default 05-28-2003, 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by BloodBorn
Originally Posted by Totenkopf
I've been driving for over ten years, and have sped like a mofo for those ten years. Finally I got nabbed last year doing 60 in a 35 (hey I was on my way to a strip club). Anyway, got a $275 ticket. Didn't fight it, I got busted, and sent in my money. A month later, I get a check back from the Sheriff Dept for $234. Not a bad deal.
In Sweden they would have revoked your license for that.
They did that to a friend of mine, he was doing 60KM/h on a 30KM/h road (kilometers per hour).
So now he doesn't have a driving licence and the court will decide how long he has to wait to redo his drivers test (Sweden has some toughest test in europe, even the world i would think, takes about 3-6 months to go through all the crap) which might be in like 2-4 years.
Hey, he was going twice the speed limit. I wasn't quite there yet! biggrin:

Seriously though, that sucks. I'd die without my license. Actually, I really wouldn't. I walk to work every day.
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