Originally Posted by "Old Reliable":fc866
i always roll for stop signs when there are no cars. why the fuck would I wait
cuz theres probably a kid crossing the street[/quote:fc866]
OMFG Sclass is finally making some sence. I think you were right Noctis Shifty is taking his retardness.
Well in my state if you get caught doing 2x the limit its wreckless driving and if its near other people, they could get you for endangerment of human life. Revoke your liscense, throw you in jail, fine you, and forget about you.
ANd for the past week there have been cops sitting outside my school like a flys on a dead body. They check every car to make sure peple are wearing their seatblets. Greenlight or not they check you. Now a 10 minute line to get into the parkinglot is 20 minutes