Originally Posted by Sclass12
I mean, what if that child grew up to be a famous dcotor, and cures some disease like cancer or AIDS (another irresponsible thing). Imagine what that kid may have done. Now think of the potential all those aborted babies could have had.
why the hell does every anti-abortion person say this
So i'll just counter it with the common pro-choice answer:
well he or she could also be the next hitler, ever think of that?
but like sloi said, they're more likely to be a drain on society rather than a help, that situation is more likely if the child is born to teenage mothers or college students that can't get a good job, because they can't find a baby-sitter or someone to take care of it. Or if they give it up for adoption its another child waiting to be adopted and it may take a few years to for him/her to be adopted and its a drain on resources.
Then again the child could be born to a good home and live a happy life.