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DeFiCaToR is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 04:35 AM

What a load of rubbish. When will people learn that piracy does NOT make companies go bust. EA and 2015 will not stop making these games because of piracy. They will in fact keep making more games because people like us continuously purchase overpriced games. The majority of piracy downloaders would not purchase the game if they could not download it anyway. Have you any idea how much EA is worth. It's turnover last year was close to £350,000,000. Yes 350 million english pounds.

Has Microsoft suddenly become the poorest company in the world because of the piracy boom in its operating systems recently. No, in fact it keeps on getting stronger and stronger, as does the rest of the industry.

So far in the history of mass game merchandising no company has ever gone bust because of piracy...fact.

So please save us the normal mumbo jumbo company crap. I suppose Napster was a bad thing too because it stole millions from Madonna, oh please.


The worm has definately turned for you, my man.
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