05-29-2003, 02:03 AM
This post says it better than I ever could, so I submit it to your perusal:
Incest, though generally looked down upon for quite some time, can harldy be immoral. It may be true that animals avoid incest in nature, and some may infer that this means Incest is unnatural, but that can hardly mean that it is immoral. Such an argument was already tackled earlier. The appeals to beauty, obscurity, design, love/meaning, and religion also fail on grounds mentioned earlier. The most common objection raised against incest, though, is that it will produce offspring with defects, depriving them of a good chance to advance and excel in life decently and fairly. However, Incest can be defined as sexual relations between two family members. Having a child is another different area. With technology today, it is both possible to be have sex with a family member and not produce offspring, just as it is also possible to not have sex with a family member and still produce offspring. Sex and reproduction, though directly linked in some areas like biology, are not directly linked as far as actions go in the objective world. To avoid fertilization, and eventually debilitated offspring, one could always use provocatics or contraceptives, in their various and numerous forms. Another argument specifically pointed at incest is one that claims that the introduction of civilization is what ended incest. This can hardly be true, though, because even primates will avoid incest. But whether or not it is true is irrelevant. Because as religious icons started demoting incest, just about the same time that civilization started building up, this does not mean that civilized behavior is directly linked, or linked at all, to non-incestuous behavior.