05-29-2003, 02:26 AM
I got 2.
1.I was in stalingrad on the in the house all the way up, on the axis side sniping people And im only at 2 health. And i see a guy at the MG42 i put my scope on him, just before pulling the trigger i hear someone shooting from behind me, so i disable scope jump out, shoot the guy on the MG42 quickly turn around where i was and see the guy with a smg shooting at me and I cap him too. I laughed for so long, cuz right when i turned around ai fired and he Yelled aimbot it was funny.
2. I was on teamspeak with some of my friends in a Obj TDM on Axis. It was just the four of us and we were sticking together and we see this guy walking down the street so i screamed in my mic Hide on opposite sides of the guy. There was a person in front of him, to the right, left, and behind him all out of views. I told them to get the pistols out. "1,2, 3!" i said we jumped out and just annilahted this guy. (u hear a roar of laughter from all the people on my teamspeak. That was funny,