Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
It is interesting how society and religion can distort your view of reality...
I think it's society and religion that have historically accommodated incest...
dominant families wanting to keep their power base within a controlled group.
...free to choose...the more natural* instinct (hot cousins aside) is to look further afield.
*apparently, after first being visually attracted to someone, it's the subtle smells that they give off
that start to work on you, and become
part of the reason you think they're special...it must be love! happy:
but it's more than romance/lust....If a person is from a "strain" that has certain genetic strengths
and weakness'...their stink will be most attractive to someone with a differing genetic setup,
Bulk files can be swapped, is the mutual message.
Bottom Line: be it cousin or stranger...a bloke will get his "hole".