Thread: Abortion.
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Default 05-29-2003, 08:10 AM

Schlass I don't expect you to understand because you're a 12 year old boy. So I won't argue with you, except to say that no way would my girlfriend pass her baby to a "care" centre - She used to work for one so she knows how appalingly children are looked after there. Ignorance is bliss, lad. When you've lived a full life making no mistakes and always using protection, never hurting anyone then you can come back here and say such things.

Tripper, Soli and Chango are right. Abortion is a horrible thing to go through and to do, but in life you will have to do horrible things. "What if's" get you nowhere in life.

"What if" the baby died during pregancy and killed the mother too?

See? You can "what if" until you're blue in the face, it proves nothing.

Until born there are no certainties as to what will happen with a pregancy. You then have another 18 years before you even have an idea of what the child would become.

In just one year my girlfriend has met me and we are now having a baby that we will give as good a life as we can.

I think that is a good thing to have come from her abortion. Selfish, maybe. But it's reality for me.

Anyone who tries to persuade women who have abortions that they are monsters or murderers are sick, twisted and nasty people who have nothing better in life than to make other people's lives a misery.

There are far more horrible things going on in this world today.
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