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Default 05-29-2003, 12:15 PM

I got pulled over 3 times in a 6 month period by 3 difference law enforcemnt agencies a couple of years ago. The first was a sheriff that pulled me over for turning right on red at an intersection that was posted as no right on red. The second was a city police pulled me for speeding (20 mph over) and the third was a state trooper pulled me for pulling a trailer with no brake lights or tag (borrowed to move).

The sheriff was a good ol' boy that told m he couldnt let me break the law in front of him and not pull me, but he wasnt going to give me a ticket and let me go. The city cop didnt write me the speeding ticket, which could have easily been $150, but wrote me a non-moving violation for wrong address on my license for $60 (not a bad deal, but not great). The state trooper wrote me up for everything he could, which was 2 $60 tickets.

You win some, you lose some. Before those tickets, I probably got out of a half dozen moving violations with a warning and I havent had any points on my license for many years. Just lucky I guess.
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