05-29-2003, 07:06 PM
Well, that map was....different. When I started downloading the map, I was all excited and ready to play this bad mo fo. It took me about 9 minutes to download it, so I knew this must be worth the wait. Well, I was wrong. Although I have to give credit on the guns, they looked very well and were pretty cool. They had flaws but you know, i couldn't do any better. Although I don't know why the Allies started with an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade), you would think the allies would have something "better", rather than an RPG (Watch "BLACK HAWK DOWN" the movie and you will see why). Well I also liked the skins, they were done well to, actually, I really liked them, good job on that part. But the map, well, that was a totally different story. I was expecting lots of alleys, tunnels, and more city like characteristics...and all's I got was an open outside area with buildings surroudning all ends, and posters. Not enough detail in my opinion, but that could just be me.
But overall, I didn't like that map whatsoever, the guns were cool, and so were the skins. But I have DSL, so I feel sorry for the 56kers out there that download this map/mod or whatever it is. If I could I would take back the 9 minutes it took the download the thing, and the other 5 minutes that I played it in. The only thing I enjoyed were the guns, skins, and the posters, the posters we're cool. So if your going to download this map, don't look forward to the map, but look foraward to the guns and skins. Well, that is my review on this map, and if you don't like it, too bad, I have the right to post my opinion. Flame me all you want, I don't care.