Thread: XtremeFPS
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DeadlySiner is Offline
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Default XtremeFPS - 05-29-2003, 07:56 PM

Im gonig to start working on a FPS (First Person Shooter) website. Im looking for it to be a gaming community for gamers to come get help advice news and downloads. Im looking for a couple of ppl that might want to help in this project as im not looking to just throw something together in a night or two there is other things that i have planned that will relate to the website also but ill leave that info for a later date. If you would like to help me with this project i will be looking for .. Webdesigner . Flash designer . Graphic artist . Forum admins . if you think that you can help or want to help then get a hold of me on MSN messenger or just e-mail me

I already have the hosting and domain name i am just waiting for the domain to transfer to the new hosting 24 to 48 hours

MSN - Messenger and e-mail
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