Here's the board owner's (BadScript) new rules:
read this...(for all who are too lazy to push tha little button )
All moderators are hereby advised to close any threads posted that's filled with offensive language after this announcement is made and report the thread to me immediately.
The offending user will be banished from the BoD and the rest of our boards. Simple as that. No I don't give a flying plug if you have 5 million posts and registered before I did.
Just to give you a pointer:
Fuck = offensive
Asshole = offensive
Cock sucker = offensive
Dick head = offensive
I'm sure you can work out the rest.
I'm amazed at the determination that some of you have to actually DRIVE 2015 OUT of here, and to be very honest I'm sick of it. Period. My site, my rule, if you don't like it, you can find another forum with 2015 developers on and cuss all you want over there.
Please don't be fooled by my nick, don't BS with me.
Thank you for your expected cooperation.
He pay's the bill.