Originally Posted by "aNti hEro":e4438
Originally Posted by pest
Originally Posted by Ydiss
You can't catch a cheater by the way they talk.
True, but I have noticed that many guys that talk a lot of smack are in fact cheating. It may only be because that is how they got my attention. Dunno, but if someone is 24-3 and talking smack, my money is on him cheating. Its not proof, but its suspicious. Players that are good enough to go 24-3 without cheating have been there before and they know how to act. Lets just say its a pretty good indicator.
gerards seen this situation happen with me alot. im like 20-2 30-4 whatever, and some guy starts calling me cheats and shit. what am i suppose to do sit there and jack off? of course im gonna start talking shit to him. or sometimes i will just start saying shit if i dont like someone in the server. when i have a score like that it gives me the right to say "hey guess waht. u suck. fuck u. die" gerard would know what imt alking about, he gets a kick out of it whenever i do it. score doesnt really mean jack shit
theres no sure way to spot cheaters that are good at hiding what they use. simple fact is, if they u think they are cheating... challenge them to a pandora match 1 on 1.
1on1 is bs .
Only lamer are good at this game .
You can't compare skill of team match 6 vs 6 or a ffa with more than 6 player with a 1on1.[/quote:e4438]
things havent changed since waffen eh matrf? 6 on 6 matches turn out to be nothing but bullshit camping, and besides.. were talking about individuals cheaters... not teams of cheaters