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Default 05-30-2003, 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by pest
Yeah, I get accused too. And I will fuck with the whiners and the cheaters, but thats not what I was getting at. I never said talking smack was a sure fire way to catch a cheater, I just said it is a good inidcator sometimes. Call it profiling if you want. And while profiling might no be fair or 100% accurate, people use it because it works.
BS , people use it because they think it work . I think i was accuse about 1000 times of cheating in moh by all kind of players . And the way i was talking to them in public chat was depending of my mood .

Tryn to play the spycologist to cought cheater . This is a big pile of bs.

Some élite player and even ladder admin tried to cought me up by Setting up a big tactical bs .

I remeber one day , one of funniest day of my moh carrer .
I enter on a server .
The guys in the server told me they are working on a new cheat detection . (a counter intelligence mod if i remember well ...) . Some minutes after telling me that , the console say : MATRF 1283hjshdhajnm bla bla bla .
Its easy to see , this is just a fake . This is just a big setup . Since im not using any cheat , the cheat detector cannot detect me (and i was playing 100%stock) . In fact , someone with the rcon password did the command himself : rcon say : matrf 12093-01293-akjsdhksha bla bla bla .
And by doing that , he want to know if i will leave .

Pretty smart huh? hard to understand tought...

Well , anyway , i must admit some are pretty smart to set up this kind of trap .

still playing the spycologist to cought cheater is one of greates noobish thing i saw in my life .

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