Thread: DoD mod...
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Default 05-31-2003, 08:47 PM

haha i was a dumbass too
as soon as i saw the box in the store, i went to the ATM and got the cash

Walker's right, it's definately worth the $30, even if the graphics are dated
~~anyone who has a good ass comp and DoD, go to and dl the high-poly mod, it makes shit look a lot better
The thing is that DoD has what MoH really lacks- teamwork! That was WWII- brotherhood and working together. MoH needs more than new cool effects, it needs deeper gameplay, classes and defensive positions and battles that shift back and forth. I was playing DoD today, i was an MG42 shutze, and i killed so many soldiers, but the battle just kept going, and it made things tense. That is what i like in WWII games.

And i dont think MoHAA is boring, its still very intense, we just need some new clans, and breakthrough to come out now. ppl should try getting fucked up and playing if they havent yet, it makes it 50x more immersive haha

thanks a lot for your condolences sh1fty, he will be missed
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