06-01-2003, 06:07 PM
I think there is only 1 way to piss off cheaters like hell . But i think its illegal and very hard to set up .
And this won't stop it .
posted by Tiberius1 :
A few years ago a Neo-Nazi was trying to figure out a way to spread his message to the masses. One day he comes up with a great plan. He will setup an 800 number with a pre-recorded message for the callers to listen too. Now as you know, an 800 number is free to the caller but not to the person who owns it. In fact they pay for every phone call. So somebody (priest or rabbi I think), has an even better idea. If they tell everyone they know to call the number 5 times a day the neo-nazi will be financially unable to keep the number up (and it worked). See where I'm going with this?...
It costs money to make a website and host it, yet it's free to the visitors. I know that the standard MO is not to post about such sites on the boards, but I think plenty of people know about a particular one already. Well what if suddenly this site was getting an extra 5000 hits a day.And what if you clear you browser cache before you visit (5 times a day) so that the web server has to send you all the files again. And what if you posted your thoughts on there BBS 5 times a day.
Now they could start banning peoples ip's but many people can change their ip's. They could ban whole subnets (ie isps) but that would also lead to them removing potential customers.
This would by no means stop cheating but it would still be fun