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Default 06-01-2003, 06:46 PM

I'm certain we could all band together to bring the most infamous cheat site down as you suggest but I would not partake in it myself.

As good an idea as it may seen it is just sinking to their level. What would ensue is a massive backlash whereby they will do the same to this website and any other fan sites.

All of a sudden you have an horrendous situation that would probably harm the community more than improve it.

The way I see it is this: I will continue to play MOH until I get totally sick of it.

By the time HL2 comes out I will either have removed MoH from my system or that will prompt me to do it.

HL2 will be fully supported by Valve and at least they will work to stop cheats. I can't wait.

Best way to boycott EA is to no longer buy their products.

I mean seriously.. can you honestly see them making Pacific Assault a great game?

Call of Duty looks to be better, HL2 will definitely be better and D3 will be better.

Who needs EA?
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