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Default 06-02-2003, 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by "Old Reliable":115ac
yeah but we're omnivores, you can choose either or. personally i enjoy both, but nothing beats fresh fruit
Hmm. Fresh fruit is good yes. But steak as well.

Vegetarians? Their choice.

But like someone mentioned in this topic: Humans are omnivores. Just meat = not good. Only lettuce = not good.

Also, what I find strange is that most people who eat meat don't really have a problem with vegetarians. You only want salad? No problem. Whereas most vegetarians condemn their fellow meat eating humans. Why is that? Do they think they are better? Smarter?

Fact is that that there are some proteins/amino acids/vitamins present in meat that are not present in any vegetable (or only in very small amounts). For real vegetarians, a well belanced diet is required. Because you need these proteins, since you're body can't make or recombine them from stuff present in vegetables. True herbivores do that for us. And then we eat them. We're much obliged.[/quote:115ac]

you've basically summed it up there.
we cannot get around chemistry, you need complex proteins to maintain your health, just as you need the carbohydrates in vegetables and fruits.
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