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Default 06-02-2003, 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Tiwaz

Also, what I find strange is that most people who eat meat don't really have a problem with vegetarians. You only want salad? No problem. Whereas most vegetarians condemn their fellow meat eating humans. Why is that? Do they think they are better?
Not really true. Most vegitarians I know complain that they are forever having to defend their choice. Most wont volunteer that they are veggies just because they dont want meat eaters telling them how wrong they are. Unfortunately for most vegitarians, its the animal rights activists and the people like the one that smacked a burger out of butters hand that give the vast majority a bad name.

So, eat whatever you want, I dont care, but respect my choice and I will respect yours.

The girls wants to grow hair? Gross, but whatever. No socks in a restaurant by an employee? Against FL health codes I think. Gross.[/u]
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