Originally Posted by Innoxx
Alfa (Spetznaz), GIGN, GSG9, KSK, SAS, OMON, SPAP, SEK > SEALS
Add Delta Force,Rangers, and the Green Berets onto there and you have a pretty good fight, but you need to understand, those Spec Ops units are the most Elite of each country, not just the back up spec ops units. For Example: German has SEK ( SEALS in USA,sort of ) they also have KSK ( Rangers ) and GSG9 ( Delta Force. ) and once we add these all up from every country, it's going to be 29 spec ops units vs 4 American ones....And so on. 35 Armored Divisions vs 5 ( or how many ) American Armored Divisions. Know what I mean? Everything the USA has, Europe has triple.