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Re: Thanks
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Default Re: Thanks - 06-03-2003, 02:20 PM

#1) You sound like your 8 years old.
#2) I have been around since day 1 of the demo.
#3) You have made nothing, I have made about a million things.
#4) Your a n00b.
#5) I hate n00bs.
#6) I am 10 times smarter than you, don't talk to me like you are better than me.
#7) Your are eqaul to a glob of spit in the corner of my mouth.
#8) Don't talk to me.
#9) Don't post in any more of my threads.
10) Now, you have a nice day. cool
im a noob riight
i have never made anything riight
your 10 times smarter then me riight
you should be slaped , but in a good way
i think its a open tread so ill post if i feel like it
and i will have a nice day thank you cool:
and you will have a nice day thinking of what to say to me biggrin:
you were a noob once so was i and no im not a noob and i didnt call you a noob
i sound like a 8 year old so what if i am a 8 year old hmm

why dont we increase the peace but you wouldnt like that huh
just think all this because you called me a name ya may not be much but its a word hehe now im acking like a 8 year old just to make you happy. and by the way i make alot of things and there on http://www.mohfiles to see for your self have a nice day angel: