Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
Blow each other the hell up and leave the world to Australia, and take those friggin Muslims extremists with ya too.
I gotta ask this. Whats the point of this thread ? We are all Allies, so why ? Either way, if it happened, I'd want the US to win, I can't stand those fuckin Eurotrash shits.
To be perfectly honest, you are putting 1 country against an entire region/continent, made up of multiple countries, with billions of people, which is just stupid. In the end, if the United States flexed it's muscle completely it would decimate quite a number, if not most, of the countries hostile toward them. There is no doubt about that. Besides, theoritically, if any of the European nations HAD any balls, they would have done something more instead of political gnashing of their teeth as far as the war in Iraq was concerned. Europe would'nt have the heart or guts to wage a war against the US, not to mention the budget.
England, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Israel....just a few countries that are allies with the US with capable and ready defence forces. I read somewhere, that this years US Military budget was 365.1 Billion dollars, perhaps more. The closest any country could get was in the 100 Billions, and that number was listed under "Allies" meaning multiple countries. None of us have any idea of the unrestrained power of the US Military, so dont even try and comprehend it, because with a budget like that, they must have an awful lot of shit, that makes big bangs, bright flashes, and leaves alot of people dead in the wake.
And if anybody thinks what the States sent to Iraq is all they have, you aint seen nothin'.
Amen Brotha. WE here in the UNITED States of America do have alot. AS many of you have seen after 9/11 there was a surge in signups for hte military. And if word of a war with all of EUROPE gets round I can gaurntee you there would be lines out the door and around the corner of the recruiting offices. the USA is one of the most patriotic countries in the world. If it happened tomorrow im only 17, however I do know that there are a hell of a lot of gun shops here in NH and I live right next door to a reserve station for the army. ..... You have brains just think about it. OVer half the worlds population would die in this war if it happened. Whos side are you on?