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Tiwaz is Offline
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Default 06-04-2003, 05:45 AM

- Russia not in Europe?

Russia is located in Europe and Asia. They are partner of the EU. Enough European for you?

- European nations balls (concerning Iraq)?

Definitely Poland, Spain, UK (yeah, let's start a debate if the UK is European or not).

- Russia rarely to side with other European nations?

Germany and France <-> Iraq? WWII? Or do they side often with the US, in cold wars and stuff? Hey.

- In the EU live around 320 million people, in Europe about 700 million (that's including the Russian part). Not billions. In Asia live billions of people.

- It took six pages of topic, but I always like being called 'Eurotrash', hehe.

- And why always this Old world <-> New world thing? It's stupid. We're allies.
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