06-04-2003, 11:03 AM
Our clan looked at using them at one point. We saw the complaints on their website about how long it took for some to get setup. Also as someone said their site had been under construction forever. I talked to the owner at one point, it was a negative experience. The whole thing just seemed to be kind of a basement operation to us. Maybe it isn't but that's the way it seemed. We felt it could go away at any time.. poof..gone.. and that's just what happened.
I also questioned his decision to not up the price for Spearhead servers given the high CPU usage other site touted, don't get me wrong I think it's great that there was a reasonable alternative but either they were all full of it and taking advantage of the gaming community, or he didn't know what he was doing. Probably a bit of both.
Anyway, as I said, it always seemed a bit rinky dink to me, no offense to those that used it, their prices were reasonable, but we passed.