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Default 06-05-2003, 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by pest
Anyway, i just saw the movie a couple of days ago. I left teh theater pissed at how sorry it was. Too much fluff (rave scene) and the fight scenes were too long. How is 9 minutes of neo fighting 100 A. Smiths, better than 4? No, those arent the actual lenght, but I found myself getting bored with the "action". Reading this thread has sparked my interest a little, but I can understand why this film isnt, and wont, be the success that the first one was.

I am questioning some of the conclusions I had after seeing the movie now.

I also have a couple of questions that just dont make sense. -

- If neo can stop bullets, why cant he stop a fist????

- If the key maker and the oracle are so resigned to fate, "whatever will happen, will happen", then why do they fear for themselves so much? The keymaker runs at the first sign of danger, and the oracle has a body guard to protect her although all decisions have already been made.

Although I dont buy the 2 matrix idea, what it there are 2 matirxes - one for the 99.5% that are content with the life the matrix provides, and a secondone for the .5% that cant deal with it?

Also, why let "awakened" humans live. If the arcitect knows that minds are awakened to populate zion, why let the machinces let them live. Why not kill neo when he was awakened instead of flushing him? The few lives lost like that would certainly be better than 6 system anomolies. Of course there would be no movie if that happened, but it seems like a big hole to me.
I liked the movie, the fighting scenes were cool. Not too long for me.

About all those questions: Valid questions. I have them as well.

I'd say: It is just a movie. People are making too much of it. It is not real. Define real. Blah blah. The way I see it: Awesome movie, story has many flaws, the lovescene was way too long, and Morpheus's speech is an example of some serious bad acting. But like I said, all in all an awesome movie. Liked part 1 better though.
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