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Black soldiers in World War 2....
rabkatkay is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Fife,Scotland
Default Black soldiers in World War 2.... - 06-06-2003, 10:33 AM

Hi lads..

There were more Black soldiers in World War 2 than you would think...There were the Tuskegee Fighter Squadron who went on many Bomber Escort missions over Germany and all there pilots and Groundcrew were Black..although many of the all white Bomber Crews were never allowed to know this...There was also an all Black American Tank Batallion which fought in France and Belgium..unfortunately these brave veterans still went home to a segregated America where they couldnt share the same bus or cafe as the white guys theyd fought beside against facism...makes you think..good enough to die for your country but not good enough to vote/go to same school/drink in the same bar as white folks...

Pretty sure that there were Black G'I's in Infantry Regiments during the Ardennes Offensive of Winter '44..i have a Photo from Winter 1944 with a group of U.S. Infantrymen with a captured S.S. Standard and one of the guys holding it is Black..Her looks well proud (and rightly so!) Many Jamaican Servicemen served in the R.A.F. especially in the groundcrew capacity..there must also have been Black Members of the Airborne Forces by 1944..Indian and Gurkha troops fought alonside regular British Units in the Far East and North African Campaigns and Ethiopian (Abbysinian) Patriots fought on the side of British Forces against the Italians...Both the British and the Dutch Forces in East Africa used Colonial Black Troops..

The German Army used Spanish Facist Moors in North Africa..The Waffen S.S. had two Muslim Croat divisions,'Kama' and 'Hanschar' and an Indian Nationalist Waffen S.S. Division too..they also used Colonial Black Troops in Africa..The Canadian Army had Black Troops in their Infantry Divisions,the Nova Scotia Highlanders certainly had Black soldiers...

just thought id pass that on..the U.S. and British Black and Asian Servicemen have never been given the recognition they deserved...they all fought and died for Freedom..god bless them all..:)

Best Wishes...

Rab Watson
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