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Default 06-06-2003, 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by pest
I also have a couple of questions that just dont make sense. -

- If neo can stop bullets, why cant he stop a fist????
A bullet is controlled by the matrix, a fist is controlled by the avatar/program

Originally Posted by pest
-If the key maker and the oracle are so resigned to fate, "whatever will happen, will happen", then why do they fear for themselves so much? The keymaker runs at the first sign of danger, and the oracle has a body guard to protect her although all decisions have already been made.
they aren't resigned to "whatever will happen will happen" they are resigned to keeping their purpose, the keymaker was fine with dieing because what he was supposed to do was done(give the key to the source to Neo)

Originally Posted by pest
Although I dont buy the 2 matrix idea, what it there are 2 matirxes - one for the 99.5% that are content with the life the matrix provides, and a secondone for the .5% that cant deal with it?
It makes sense for the machines to have a second matrix since they know there's a bug with the humans that'll make them not accept the matrix, but we'll find out in Revolutions

Originally Posted by pest
Also, why let "awakened" humans live. If the arcitect knows that minds are awakened to populate zion, why let the machinces let them live. Why not kill neo when he was awakened instead of flushing him? The few lives lost like that would certainly be better than 6 system anomolies. Of course there would be no movie if that happened, but it seems like a big hole to me.
for all we know there could be some AIs that bitch about killing innocent humans so they let them have a slim chance of living if they get awakened (remember they just dump them into the sewers, if there wasn't a ship to rescue them they'd drown)
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