06-06-2003, 11:32 PM
Unfortunately, I agree with you, Zach.
Surgeon, you may recognize me from the .map forums, we had a conversation once about someone wanting to put a certain kind of building in their map, and although we had a slight debate, we at least carried it out with respect to each other. I don't see why that isn't possible here. If you disagree with someone, that is fine. Hell, it is expected that there are going to be people disagreeing on message boards. But why does everyone resort to name-calling, among other childish things? Can't you talk it out logically with the person?
If I made a map and released here, I would naturally want positive feedback. However, you could point out errors or mistakes in something and it could still be positive. I consider positive feedback as something that will help me do better in the future. Flaming me won't help at all. If anything, I would probably get a little depressed over the fact that I spent alot of time on something only to have it shot down as being "teh SUXX!!!!1one" and "GHEY!" If you were to point out the person's errors in a respectful way, you'd be surprised how much they would appreciate it. They'll also probably come back with a more respectable, in which the MOH community benefits as well. Think about that next time someone releases something that isn't perfect.