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Mith is Offline
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Posts: 1
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Manila, Philippines
Default 01-21-2002, 02:02 AM

Great. Hundreds of accounts on these boards, and mine had to be one of the 85 deleted. Bleah.

Not that I'm proud of my post count (only about 10), but I hate going through the whole registration thing all over again just to make a temporary account.

Anyway, here's the specs of my (hopelessly obsolete) computer (if you can still call it that). I'm getting a new comp soon. This thing just can't hack MOHAA. The SP Demo runs at 10-15 fps, and it drops to 5-10 fps when a firefight breaks out.

Pentium II 333MHz (seriously)
10 GB HD
1.2 GB HD
Sony 52x CDROM
GeForce MX200 64MB <--- el cheapo model; the worst of the GF2 line
Soundblaster AWE 64 <--- useless piece of crap, I'm betting this is what's slowing the game down
15" monitor <--- Damnit, can't go any higher than 1024x768!
56k modem (cable's too expensive so I have to suffer with this piece of garbage)
A stupid joystick that I dropped down the stairs some time ago and now its primary fire button's broken

Oh, mustn't forget the dents on the side of the casing from all the times it crashed and I got pissed. My fist's still a bit sore from the last time this piece of crap froze while I was downloading the SP demo. I think I even made a hole in the side with a screwdriver and killed my last motherboard... yup, it's still there.

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