06-08-2003, 10:21 PM
i'll just put my fav songs fdrom certain bands
Beatles - Hey Jude
Blindside - caught a glipse
chemical brothers - out of control
deftones - my own summer
eminem - still don't give a fuck
green day - time of your life
guns n roses - civil war
john lennon - imagine
Korn - Blind
Led Zepplin - Starway to Heavan
Linkin Park - Pushing me away
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Micheal Jackon - Little susie
Mos Def - Umi Says
Nirvana - Lithium
Oasis - wonderwall
our lady peace - annie
Black Sabbith - Ironman
The Used - Box Full of Sharp Objects
The strokes - new york city cops
wu tang clan - aint nuttin to fuck wit
theres more...too lazy