Thread: Good-Bye AA
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Timur the Lame is Offline
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Location: Umass Amherst
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Default 06-09-2003, 01:12 AM

It justs seems too me like your complaining for the same reasons as you did before after people were making fun of your snow mobile accident. You're just letting stupid people get to you. You make great maps, and you enjoy doing it, so why don't you just not pay attention to stupid people. If someone sends you a "bitching" pm, just delete it and move on. Who cares. You visit these forums to see other people's work, and to comment yourself, so just stick to that and don't even respond to idiots. If you really think visiting these forums are stressful then you may need medical help.

Anyway, there is no point for you to leave. If you do it's just like you following what everyone else is doing. Im just sick of all this I'm leavign shit. Sorry if I offended you, this is just how I feel.
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