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General of the Army
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Default 06-09-2003, 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by ninty9
I went to my Grad. We don't call it the Prom here unless you want your ass kicked. There was no king or queen or any of that shit. It was just a nice dinner and dance and then we went to my buddys house for a party and got wasted and had some fun with the chicks.
Largely the same deal, except we call it "the Ball." Usually lots of fun, I've been too both of mine, and am going to my new school's Ball this year, adn my old school's ball which is a month after.
We have things called 'After-Balls' which is a huge party usually in a warehouse somewhere, set up by the Seniors. You buy tickets to that as well, they supply free liquor, get real drunk and usually go to a mates house after that for an 'after-after-ball' in which you try and pimp the ladies, if you haven't earned any by then.
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