Originally Posted by Sclass12
Ok, theres this kid in my grade named Jack, and several weeks ago, my friend and I were at this restaurant coming home from a movie and his mom said we could go there since the baseball team was eating there (my friend's brothers in on it and his dad coaches). So we get there, eat, then the kids on the team, my friend, me and jack go outside (its about 2330 hours) and I was having a race wiuth my friend up this long staircase. So when we get to the top, we hear a "Wow!" We go down, and one of the kids (6th grader) comes up and says "See that kid (Jack)?" He just showed me his pubs!". Seriously, he showed his pubs for $.75 to some 6th graders. And when I make fun of him for it, he says "WHats so bad, who wouldnt do it?" My question to you is, would you do it?
I'm suprised 10 year olds have p04bs to show, that's amazing in itself.