06-09-2003, 04:08 PM
I'm not fussed about religion and have never been.
Religion is a powerful thing. Considering millions of people have believed in something that they've never ever physically seen (Or has proven categorically to exist) for thousands of years then it would have to be.
I still have yet to see clearly how believing in what is essentially a story told over thousands of years would give someone inner peace. A person could be the most devoted follower of their religion and still not be happy.
Most religions I see just impose irrational and out-dated restrictions on the way you behave in life.
All very well and good if that involves morall laws (Don't kill, steal, etc) but when it comes to stopping people from enjoying their lives so they can hopefully reach paradise when they die seems pointless to me.
You cannot prove that there is a heaven (or whatever, depending on the religion or belief) but you can prove that someone living strictly by their religion is likely to have less fun during their life. And for what?
A hope that they will go on to a glorious after-life.
All religions seem to promise that. It seems a little desperate to me.
It's all very well to have beliefs and stick to them and I respect that. I just don't understand it and never really will, I suspect.
I have many things that give me contentment in life and they are all tangible.
I try my best to be a good person and not to hurt anyone, so if I am going to "Hell" for that, then so be it.
But, seeing as I had no conscience before I was alive I very much doubt that, when my brain dies, I will still be conscious of something thereafter.
I'd rather enjoy what I have now than hope for something that I have no guarantee of getting later.
So, I don't mind religion. I am just not too bothered by it myself.