06-10-2003, 09:50 AM
I will not argue with you Atheists or whatever you are that doesn't beileve in God, because it is no use. Nor, you should not argue with me because it wil not change my mindset of there is a God and a Christ and I will go to Heaven when I die.
I pity the non-beileves of this board because they miss the major things that Christianity has changed (ever heard of A.D and B.C?). Pretty much all of the places where major events occur in the bible can be found as historical monuments today. Care to find me another religion that has a Bible or something like it and name a place that is a historical monument?
Now the non-beilevers will come back with ''Oh yeah, someone could of just made up all the stories and put them where they wanted to'' well isn't that pretty simplistic of YOU guys? Let's face it; Atheism is the most simplistic religion (If you can call it a religion) and the non-beilevers are the most simplistic of all. You see, the non-beilever/Atheist group goes like this: You are born, your life is crap, you die. The end. WOAH! That's REALLY COMPLICATED!
Christianity goes like: Your Father in Heaven creates you, your life isn't all that bad, you die, you meet Peter, are you good or bad? Go to Heaven, get to see God, spend eternity with him, live an eternity of peace, or, go to Hell, live an eternity of torture and fire. (I know alot of people here that will go into that second category)
I bet you could take two people, Athiest and a Christian, both in weelchairs and both have some kind of disability. You ask wich of the two is a happier person, and I'll bet it's the Christian over the Athiest anyday. Because the Christian knows where he is going after death. And that soothes him. The Athiest is scared and has NO hope because he knows when his life is over, it's over. Done.
(And please don't stereotype us as crazy extremists that drink Sarin and dance to hillbilly music, I hate that. Actually, don't stereotype us at all. Thanks.)