Originally Posted by Tiwaz
Originally Posted by Vance1
Yes, but the road they are on now at this moment idicates a road to Hell. Yes, they can be saved, but as of right now, if they die, they will go to Hell.
Are you one of God's henchmen? You know who goes to hell? No. That's what I hate about the church as well. Say 100 'Hail Maries' and you're saved. Easy eh?
I don't believe it works that way. I believe (believe because I am not sure) that if God exists, he will not punish a non-believer that has lived a good life by sending him or her to hell.
I bet you are most likely one of them Christians who actually thinks he is better off and a better person because he is such a firm believer (wow, you pity atheists, very good). Go to church every Sunday, pray a lot and stuff. I have news for you. Thinking you are better than another human being is a sin. We are all equally of value. If you are not such a person, consider this to be a message for people who are. Because I have seen so many Christians who think they are better than the non-believer. It is those people who are most likely to use religion as an excuse for war. Win some souls for God. Because they think they are so right.
You know as well as I do that there are some people here that would go to Hell if they died today. I'm not going to name any names because they probably know who they are. I've never met a Christian that said they are better than the non-beilever. We aren't like that. I myself have NEVER said that I am better than a non-beilever. They are just misinformed. I'll bet there are some people who donate to charity every day that is a non-beilever. You jump to conlusions and say that I think myself as a better person than a non-beilever. That's hypocracy. Jesus says ''Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.'' I never treat someone with disrespect unless they show disrespect towards me. Making fun of something I beileve in is an insult towards me, and yes I will call someone who insults my religion a fool because they do not know the truth. I feel sorry for them as well.