Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-10-2003, 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Vance1
Originally Posted by Innoxx
Originally Posted by Vance1
What, that God doesn't answer my prayers? Why don't you go up to my youth minister and tell him ''You'll understand later in life.'' Because he wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Christ.
How did Jesus save his life?
Let's just say he was really screwed up. Getting drunk almost every other day and going out and almost killing himself in a car accident. He was just really messed up and he needed help so he turned to turn, Christ changed his life around and now he is our youth minister. I am sure I am missing alot of things on his life but that's the jist. May I ask how your life became bad?
Heh, I'm the total opposite of him. My life changed for the better when I knocked off all this god shit. Hmmm, it was mostly due to my parents. Things started to get rocky, my mother got addicted to heroin and my father and I moved out. Then about three months later he died from a stroke. My mother ran off something and my only relatives left were my brother (in prison) and my uncle (who was on a sabbatical in South Africa). I was alone. I had no money, no shelter, no food. I had to sleep on the streets for almost a month. Basically, I had hit rock bottom, my life couldn't suck more. So as I was sitting on the stairs of the church I basically had a moment of clarity and basically told Jesus to feck off and denounced my religious beliefs since they really didn't help much. So finally a social worker comes along and throws me in a group home (aka: Orphanage) where I stayed for a couple more months. I hated it there and eventually I worked out a deal with one of my friends and I ran away and crashed at his place for awhile.

I stayed there for almost a year. I got the odd job here and there and I collected my father's death benefits and I was saving up some serious cash. Well that unxle I was talking about earlier died in a car accident and he willed me his house. So here I am today, living in my late uncles house, girlfriend cooking breakfast, and a BMW in the driveway. I am content.
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