Originally Posted by Innoxx
Originally Posted by gtboys34
Originally Posted by Innoxx
Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Blitz":9d2fd]err not to be mean or offensive but technically you were a Hobo?
Yup, definition of rock bottom.
what if u hit rock bottom again, would u turn back to Christ?
Nein, I learned my lesson.
so if u died right now, where do u think u'd end up?[/quote:9d2fd]
I wouldn't care less where I ended up, either way if I died now I would not be able to accomplish what I want to in the physical world, so afterlife or no afterlife, it doesn't really matter to me.
I don't think I would like heaven one bit, I mean no problems to solve, no challenges to overcome, no need to better myself or my lifestyle, in short booooorrrrriiiiiiing, an eternity of bl;issful boredom oOo: