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06-10-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Vance1
You see Ydiss, Christianity is different from any other religion because there was actually a guy that came here....and this dude's name was Jesus.....and he did alot of cool stuff like raise people from he dead and then he died but then he himself rose from the dead and then he went back to Heaven. There is no other religion that comes close to that.
Originally Posted by Ydiss
If you could possibly take a huge TV back to before Christ and play a music video in front of thousands of people then there is every chance that they would believe they were seeing a God. They might even worship it, write about it and tell stories about it.
To them there is no way to explain it so they will find ways to explain it to themselves. They would have every right to believe in it... After-all they don't know any better, do they? And thousands of years later that would hold true.
If it gives happiness then good.